
Eleonóra Ur

batik painter

I mediate between sky and earth with my paintings, sending a message to everyone: Be open to the world and receptive to the new!

I tell the – sometimes invisible, but present – radiance of life and the daring flamboyance of multi-coloured nature  in my paintings again and again. The haphazard and slow meditative course of batic painting has captured my heart. My models are Amrita Sher- Gil and Frida Kahlo. Both of them were pioneers in their lives, walking on their paths independently, neglecting the boundaries of schools and expressing their feelings with colors and shapes.

The untrodden way I have choosen leads me to use a two-thousand-year-old textile-painting technique, which is not taught in any Hungarian art institutes so it’s rather unknown here. I mediate between sky and earth with my paintings, sending a message to everyone:

Be open to the world and receptive to the new!