I tell the – sometimes invisible, but present – radiance of life and the daring flamboyance of multi-coloured nature in my paintings again and again.
Eleonóra Ur
Furnishings designer
Tired of IKEA? Make your apartment a lovely home!
I’ll show you how to stand out from the crowd!
Interested in the art of batik painting? Come on, I’ll be happy to teach you!
Paintings for sale
Decorate your home with nature-inspired paintings!
I’m happy to show you the craft of batik painting accompanied by an exhibition.
About me
The haphazard and slow meditative course of batic painting has captured my heart. My models are Amrita Sher- Gil and Frida Kahlo. Both of them were pioneers in their lives, walking on their paths independently, neglecting the boundaries of schools and expressing their feelings with colors and shapes.
The untrodden way I have choosen leads me to use a two-thousand-year-old textile-painting technique, which is not taught in any Hungarian art institutes so it’s rather unknown here. I mediate between sky and earth with my paintings, sending a message to everyone:
Be open to the world and receptive to the new!

About the Gallery
Ur Eleonóra Batik Gallery is located in Szentendre, in the pedestrian street of Dumtsa Jenő, where besides paintings you can find furnishings, unique fashion solutions and imprints of paintings!

Through cultures
I believe that one of the fundamental goals of human existence is development. Improving ourselves and our environment – I do this by embracing and learning about different cultures.
During my study trips abroad, I got to know different cultures of Europe so I could bring them to Hungary through my paintings.
My study trips so far
- 2000 Thailand 2 days workshop
- 2008 Indonesia For 2 months I studied batiking with the painter I Nyoman Suradnya.
- 2010 Mexico 1 month I learned from batik painter Victor Javier Rivas Palomo
- 2012 Sri Lanka I painted in a batik factory for 1 month
- 2013 Mexico 1 month Victor Javier Rivas Palomo
- 2014 Indonesia 1 month from I Gusti Sujana
- 2015 Brazil 1 week Isabel Paes Cuncha batik painter
- 2019 Indonesia 2 weeks ago I Nyoman Warta batik painter